The Sound of Music April 18th - 23rd 2022
Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein
Book by Howard Lindsay & Russel Crouse
Directed by Mike Canning
Musical Director : Allan Fouracre
Choreography by Holly Harris & Georgia Steer
This production was the final collaboration between Richard Rodgers & Oscar Hammerstein II.
The Sound of Music, has become a play/musical so very well known around the world.
Based on the true story of the Von Trapp Family Singers, this play captures a personal tale of growth and hope amidst the horrors of the rise of the Third Reich and World War II.
The Sound of Music tells the tale of the young postulant Maria Rainer, whose free spirit has trouble fitting into the rules and regulations of Nonnberg Abbey.
Commissioned by the Mother Abbess to serve as the governess for seven motherless children, Maria transforms the Von Trapp family home from a place of dour rules and regulations to one filled with joy, with laughter, and with music.
In the process, Maria wins the hearts of all seven children–and in due course their widower father. Captain Von Trapp was engaged to be married to Elsa Shraeder, but with opposing values in the shadow of the forthcoming troubles, events took a different turn.

With the Mother Abbess’ blessing, and to the children’s delight, Maria follows her heart, and Maria and the Captain marry.
Upon returning home from their honeymoon, Maria and the Captain learn that their beloved Austria has been taken over by the Nazis, and the retired Captain is asked to report for immediate service in the German Navy. When the Nazis show up at their door to take Captain Von Trapp away, it is a family singing engagement that had been negotiated by their friend Max, that buys the family time to make their narrow escape.
Their Austrian convictions compel Maria, the Captain, and the children to flee over the mountains of Switzerland to safety, taking the words of the Mother Abbess to heart: “Climb Every Mountain… till you find your dream.”
The original Broadway production opened in 1959, and the first London West End production in 1961.
In 1965 it was adapted as a the well known film, starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer.
The rest is history ……
So the CODS production of this famous show began in November 2021. Well actually, this year it began a little before that with the ‘recruitment programme’ for the children. Circulating the local schools produced a good number of keen young people, and after a series of sessions, the two Von Trapp families were chosen.
From November onwards the pace of rehearsals gradually increased, then increased again into Jan/Feb 22, and on into the production week. By the time the show opened on 18th April 22 countless hours had been spent by a large number of people in all the departments needed to get a show together.
This against the ever present threat of Covid, and the sometimes confusing regulations and guidance as the weeks progressed.
Societies up and down the country will have had to juggle these frustrations as well as CODS. It was good to see, via the NODA links, other groups bringing their productions to the stage and the Amateur Dramatic world coming back to life again.
Congratulations must go to everyone who worked towards the success of this show either onstage, backstage or in any other way.
Huge thanks to Allan and the band, to Holly and Georgia for the choreography and to our director Mike. Well done to you all.
We would like to acknowledge the support of our CODS Friends and patrons. In particular the support we have had from our sponsors, who have generously helped us in these stringent times.

Photographs from ‘The Sound of Music’ and previous CODS productions
are all available on this gallery.
These range from the very early productions to the present day.
There are also some movie clips.
Just click the button and select the show. Enjoy!
A few pics of our amazing band at the band call ….. ( And one in their tent!)
This amateur production of THE SOUND OF MUSIC was presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd on behalf of the
Rodgers and Hammerstein Organisation www.concordtheatricals.co.uk