Concerts Choral and Cabaret.

CODS Choral/Concert season begins in April. The first rehearsal is the very first Wednesday after the Easter Musical.

It is a great opportunity to just come along and sing. You don’t have to be a potential soloist and solo performer. This is a chance to sing in large group that can often be 50 strong by the time the September Concerts are performed.

Soprano, alto tenor or bass? Don’t know? Don’t worry, you’ll soon find your place and enjoy up to three months of singing with others throughout the Summer months. 

Light popular music, rock and roll, gospel or classical choral music, we sing in all sorts of styles. Some of us with more enthusiasm than accuracy probably!
The start of the choral season is a popular time to join the Society, so please contact us if you would like to find out more.

Choral has been operating in one way or another since the 70s. At first, there were the Concert Parties that toured the local villages. Then came the Choral Evenings. These became big fundraisers for the Society. Today, our current Choral Evening format can sell out a month before the performance dates! It features a mixture of choral numbers both new and old, a generous helping of cabaret as well as dining and, occasionally dancing.
From time to time we perform at other times of the year. We have sung concerts around the villages and with the Town Band as their guests at Christmas.