Directed by Carolyn Stoyle and Mike Palmer


Due to circumstances beyond our control the Play in 2009 became a fairly hurriedly put together Music Hall. A cast of 32 worked very hard over a short period of time to give our Crediton audiences three great evenings of entertainment. Quite a number joined in the fun and came appropriately dressed for the evenings, which began something like this ………..

My lords ladies and gentlemen good evening
Welcome to this cavern of conviviality, this emporium of entertainment,
Where the management proudly present… At enormous expense…
For your delectation and delight…..

A veritable verisimilitude of vocal virtuosity ..
An enthralling and entrancing imbroglio of entertainment egregiously and effectively executed to edify and enchant………….
A Melange of melodious music from the gentlemen our five piece orchestra which consists of …..four absentees ( in spite of our pleading .. They were all refused bail)…and our maestro who will accompany the entire proceedings .. Not only with his right hand … But also with his left hand, and even… Should the occasion arise… With both hands and one and the same time…
He not only plays the pianoforte, but also the harmonium, the euphonium, the pandemonium … And from a very early age was even known to play on the linoleum.
Yes….. our maestro is a great lover of classical music… Last night I said to him …”what do you think of Handel’s Largo?” To which he replied.. “I never drink anything else!”

To those of you that have never visited a Music Hall before …,
I should explain … It is customary, not only to join in all the choruses… As indeed we hope you will…
But to applaud, to cheer loudly, huzza, and also to stamp your feet in appreciation of the artistes efforts…
… Shall we have a quick rehearsal .. After three…1 2 3 ..
( thank you .. There’s been a lot of trouble with cockroaches this year…)
And now .. On with the performance … Will you please welcome to the stage .. With their opening numbers ..
The artistes of the ……. CODS VARIETY COMPANY.