BUMS On SEATS by Michael Snellgrove

Presented by CODS  October 2016
Directed by Carolyn Stoyle

Bums on Seats, written by Michael Snelgrove. An adult comedy about a tatty provincial theatre during the run of a play.

The play in question, ‘Fecund’ is intended to be a deep and meaningful piece about childbirth. It is, of course a send up of deep and meaningful! It serves to highlight the characters involved both on the stage and those back stage.

These characters range from the pretentious playwright, the intellectual drama lecturer, the OTT front of house team, through to the highly strung new publicity officer of the theatre. All have their hang ups or eccentric ways.

Act One is almost a series of sketches linked together by the front of house ladies.

The set ranges from a very ‘avant garde’ operating theatre in Act One, to a set of audience seats in the stalls in Act Two!

Red paint and a full size rabbit costume are integral to the performance of the play!

Many of the patrons in our audiences thoroughly enjoyed the performances of the cast and the zany and witty scenes, but couldn’t make head nor tail of the play as a whole! Which was a pretty discerning and fair observation!