‘We thoroughly enjoyed every moment of the show. The standard of the performance was superb with brilliant lead singers and supporting cast, all completely focused on their roles and all clearly enjoying doing the show as much as the audience enjoyed watching it. Great production standards too and all those costumes with even on-stage transformations!
Terrific stage-craft throughout’
Cllr Liz Brookes-Hocking, Crediton Town Mayor
‘Christine and I appreciated that we could hear every word that was sung and spoken. That doesn’t happen with every Society! The singing was fabulous both by principal actors and the company. The Nuns were wearing the same costume but their characters were quite different, not easy when only a little part of the face is showing! There were some amazing moments – Sweaty Eddie’s transformation scene was as slick as it could possibly be, it was stunning, I felt this was really well cast. Some excellent interpretations.’
Joyce Pomeroy – NODA SW Regional 5 Rep
‘Excellent show. I smiled all the way through and had a few tears too! Well done to all cast and, of course, because I know them, particularly Nikki and Jonny’ – Louise Knightley-Roberts 
‘Just got home. Well, you cracked it – brilliant’ Dennis Mardon – Crediton Heart Project
‘Congratulations on a fantastic show which I thoroughly enjoyed. Was really proud to be an Honorary Life Member’ – Jacki Hayes


‘Many congratulations to you on a super show, great casting, super singing and lovely costumes!
A lot of hard work went into it under very difficult circumstances. It shows the dedication from CODS that you pulled it out the bag as only CODS can’ – Graham Liverton, NODA SW Regional Councillor
‘I thoroughly enjoyed the show and applaud your perseverance in bringing it to the stage and your very enthusiastic audience so soon after lockdown’ – Christine Hunter Hughes, NODA National President.
‘I just want to say what a fantastic performance Sister Act was tonight.
The cast, the singing, the acting was superb. Not to single anyone out but Deloris was just amazing.
This performance in no way should be labelled ‘am dram’. CODS for sure deserve a much higher accolade’ Carol McMichael
‘I just wanted to say how much we all enjoyed the show last night.
It was fantastic just what we all needed.
Thank you to you and all your team for putting it on. I think it was the best CODS show I have seen!’ – Simon Lee, advertiser