Directed by Holly Harris
Assisted by Lyndsey Betts
CODS CINDERELLA : December 20th – 23rd 2023
What more appropriate way to open this webpage than to quote the Directors text from the Panto programme:-
Welcome One and All to this years pantomime Cinderella.
The “Cinderella” storyline is so well known as the quintessential ‘rags to riches’ folk tale, and a favourite of many children and a personal favourite of mine! Its easy to dismiss it as ‘just another princess story’ However, stories like these encourage us to consider our own nature and invite us to consider how we can find new ways to treat others.
When I was a little girl some nearly 40 years ago at the age of 6, I made my first professional appearance on the stage in what would be my first of many pantomimes. Cinderella has always remained my favourite and I am thrilled to be directing this version for CODS. Pantomimes can be a beautiful introduction to theatre for our children, that little bit of magic and sparkle, and a precious memory to share as a family for a lifetime.
It has been an absolute pleasure working with this talented cast, and the production team, that all work so hard to bring the show to life. Thank you all.

The CODS version of this famous story was staged in the Crediton Old Town Hall, as were our previous two Pantos. A cramped stage with tricky access, and an auditorium with a ‘village hall’ feel, all somehow seems to help with the very essence of a good Panto, namely interaction with the audience. Lots of ahhs, boos, oh yes it is, oh no it isn’t etc. Marvellous!
The cast and crew worked really hard under expert direction by Holly, ably assisted by Lyndsey.
Two very willing and talented groups of children, a Baron and cruel Baroness, a King and Queen, a wonderfully twinkling Fairy Godmother, a delightful Cinders, Buttons, an elegant Dandini and charming Prince, two OTT ugly sisters, and couple of innocent fall guys whose business card describes themselves as Primate Defectives! Magic! And they all gave it their all!
Very well done to everyone on and off stage. The show was much enjoyed by our sell out audiences.
The story itself is perhaps as old as time, in fact it is well worth a look at its history (shortened version of course)
A short history of the Cinderella Story: (Credit to seatplan.com)
The origins of Cinderella stretch all the way back to a common folk tale, in which a mistreated young woman’s fortunes are turned around and she marries into a royal family. Its many variations include The Story of Tấm and Cám (Vietnam), The Tale of Ye Xian (China, 860) and the earliest known oral version, Rhodopis, which dates back to Greece between 7 BC and AD 23.
The first literary version of Cinderella in Europe was Giambattista Basile’s Pentamerone (1634), with other popular versions including the Brothers Grimm’s darker retelling. In their version, the stepsisters cut off their own toes to fit into the glass slipper!
Cinderella today most closely resembles ‘Cendrillon ou la petite pantoufle de verre.’ In English, Cinderella, The Little Glass Slipper, from Charles Perrault’s 1697 fairy tale collection.

Perrault’s Cinderella introduced many of the features now considered essential to the story, such as the Fairy Godmother, a pumpkin transforming into a carriage, and the glass slipper. It is a fairly straightforward morality tale which ends with Cinderella rewarded for her kindness and virtue, and her stepsisters and stepmother are the ‘bad’ characters who beg for forgiveness. In Perrault’s version, Cinderella graciously forgives her stepsisters and arranges for them to marry noblemen.
Over the years, some changes have been made to Perrault’s version in other adaptations – for example, his collection of animals transformed into footmen and horses by the Fairy Godmother included lizards, but are now usually mice.
In 1804: Cinderella opened at Theatre Royal Drury Lane, described as “A new Grand Allegorical Pantomimic Spectacle”. This production was not in the same style as modern pantomimes, but it did include features that carry through to today. The famous clown Joseph Grimaldi played a servant called Pedro, a precursor to Buttons.
Other versions of Cinderella though the years have included …..
Rossini’s La Cenerentola Opera (1817)
Prokofiev’s Cinderella Ballet (1945)
Disney’s Cinderella Animated Film (1950)
Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella Musical (1958)
Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Cinderella 2021 (Pandemic affected!)
Retitled Bad Cinderella when it was staged on Broadway in 2023.

Photographs from CINDERELLA and previous CODS productions
are all available on this gallery.
These range from the very early productions to the present day.
There are also some movie clips.
Just click the button and select the show. Enjoy!

And finally, before the next CODS Panto…..
So as our Panto now is done,
With lots of laughs and lots of fun.
Thanks indeed are hugely due
To everyone in cast and crew.
Our audiences voted with their feet
They took up every single seat!
So when next time, tickets are sold
Become a FRIEND, and you’ll be told
Before anyone else, to get your seat,
And sit back for a festive treat!